Ready Think Go

A little thought goes a long way
'Ready, set, go'
It's a well known refrain that starts a race. It prepares the runner for action, pauses them, 'set' in position, braced for movement, aware of the limits ahead, the goal at the end, and the effort to come. In life, or in business, that moment in the middle, when you're 'set', is a time to think, a time to prepare.
Ready, Think, Go
Unfortunately busyness compels us to be a little more 'Ready, go, think'. Launching into action, yet often finding ourselves off course, unprepared and unable to find our way back. Despite it's unproductive appearance, that moment of 'think' makes all the difference, not so much thinking that we remain stationary, not so little thinking that we set off unproductively.
The truth is, a little thought is a powerful thing, a little thought goes a long way.
The posts below are a series of thoughts, neither pitched as right or wrong, they are simply thoughts and perspectives which helped us move forward. Our hope is that these thoughts will add to your current thinking and prepare you to move quickly from 'Ready' to 'Go'.